Solar Water Pump

Solar pump directly connects with solar panel through a mppt solar pump controller. Whenever sunlight drops on solar panel, solar submersible pump starts lifting the water from ground.
There is no electricity required to run this solar pump. Even using solar power pump is more economical where grid electricity is not available.
These pumps mostly uses by farmers for irrigation of farming land and horticulture farms. Solar pump can be use for fountain, swimming pool pump, water circulation pump, mono-block home pump and other similar applications.
Major components of Solar Pump
• Solar panel which generate power.
• Controller which controls the system.
• Motor pump to lift the water.
Types of solar pump
There are many types of solar pump, but only two types are most successful. One is submersible solar pump and another is surface pump. Both pump come in DC and AC technology.
Solar Submersible Pump
Where the depth of water level is more than 15 meter, submersible pump is recommended. This pump keeps inside the water and lift it out. Solar submersible pump is the most selling pump in India as the depth of water level is very low in maximum areas.
Solar Surface Pump
If the depth of water is less than 15 meter and you want to lift to ground or above the ground level, Solar surface is recommended.
Other Technologies' Solar Pump
We have three technologies to power your solar surface water pump (AC/DC) and solar submersible water pump (AC/DC). The detailed description of technologies is mentioned below:
1. Solar pump VFD Drive
2. Hybrid Solar PV pump (Solar power + Grid electricity + Battery)
3. On grid solar PV pump (With Net Metering)
Solar pump VFD drive
VFD drive is a solar solution for farmers. Solar pump VFD drive converts your existing water pump into solar pump. This technology is becoming famous day by day. Because there are shortage of electricity in rural area and through VFD drive farmers can operate there pumps even when there is no grid.
Hybrid solar water pump
In hybrid solar pump, there are three power options to run solar pump. First is solar power, second is electricity grid and the third is solar battery. In day time your water pump is powered by solar electricity, in nights it is powered by grid and when both (solar power and grid) is not available then it will powered by battery.
On grid solar water pump
In on grid solar system, your water pump will be powered by solar panel. In case when the solar panel is generating more power than water pump’s consumption, then the excess power will automatically exported to grid via net-metering and government will also adjust it in your next bill.